

#Who We Are
The free Webinar is sponsored by Smart MOLD s.r.l., a spin-off company of the University of Padua which is part of the Sirmax Group. Smart MOLD s.r.l. was established with the aim of reducing the environmental impact of plastics by developing innovative injection molding technologies and optimizing the design of plastic parts using higher added value materials.


You can contact us at the following addresses:
Address: Viale dell'Artigianato, 42, 35013 Cittadella (PD)
Email address: privacy@sirmax.com
Smart Mold email address: info@smart-mold.it
Unless otherwise stated, events and webinars are organized with Sirmax Group companies on a co-ownership basis
PLEASE NOTE: Intra-group information is communicated for legitimate purposes in compliance with Italian and European regulations, following appropriate procedures that ensure the rights of data subjects are respected.
An abstract of our intercompany agreements is available upon request

#What information do we collect?
To enable you to participate in the webinar, we will need to collect certain information about your identity (first and last name), and email address. As we will use GoTo: unified communications software and remote IT support for the event, additional information related to session duration, connections, hardware, equipment & devices, IP addresses, location, language settings, operating system, your unique device identifier, and other diagnostic information based on the selections you make when accessing the platform will also have to be collected. *** for more information see: International | GoTo Suite
The event is recorded and is scheduled to be posted to Sirmax Group's restricted area. Participant images/audio will not be recorded except for the purpose of facilitating speeches and contributions from members.

#What do we intend to do with your information, and under what regulations?
If you decide to participate in our webinar we will:
a) Manage communications to enable you to attend the event
b) Send you a satisfaction questionnaire
c) Keep you updated on upcoming events sponsored by SMART MOLD
d) Sign you up for the Sirmax Group newsletter.
With the exception of (c), which will only take place if you have expressly consented (GDPR, art.6.1.a of the GDPR), all other activities are necessary in order to enable you to participate in the event (GDPR, art.6.1.b).

#What happens if I do not wish to share my information with you?

Participation in the initiative is voluntary, so you are under no obligation to provide your information to us. Failure to provide it, however, will not allow you to participate in the initiative.

#Who will have access to my information?
Regarding your information in the event preparation and follow-up phases: To ensure your personal information is handled securely, we use trained employees who are employed by group companies and third-party companies that collaborate with us to secure environments, carry out the event, and manage communications.
Regarding participant information collected during the event: Information will be available to those who can access the documents posted to the restricted area of the website.

#Where will the information be stored?
The information collected during registration will be stored in environments controlled by Go-to-Webinar, which provides the GoTo: software for unified communications and remote IT support Saas service. If you opt in to newsletter subscription, your information will be stored in digital archives on the Mailchimp platform. Copies of the archives and databases are subjected to security measures that allow the information to be copied to environments managed by Sirmax S.p.a., who is accountable for said security measures.
Webinar recordings will be posted in controlled environments on Sirmax S.p.a.'s dedicated infrastructure.
You will always be able to ask us for feedback on the platforms used and to independently verify storage locations by checking the relevant policies directly from the environments of the platforms used, which are linked in this document.

#How long will you keep my information for?
Information needed to carry out an event will be kept until the event and its publication to the restricted area are over. Information needed to issue the newsletter will be kept until such time as you unsubscribe, and then deleted.

#What are my rights and how can I exercise them?
You can always turn to us for support with exercising your rights, particularly to:
- Know what information we hold about you and correct any incorrect information
- Oppose processing, also unsubscribe from the event or newsletter by selecting the appropriate link received at registration
- Request processing restrictions with regard to the platforms used for dissemination.
Who you can contact:
You may request to access, rectify, delete, apply processing restrictions, or object to processing (Articles 15-22 in GDPR 2016/679/EU) of your personal information from Sirmax Group and SMART MOLD at any time. You may do so without formalities, or by completing the Data Subject Rights Management Form, which is available upon request by email or downloadable from the website. The form can then be sent to the following email address:
We endeavor to respond to your request within one month from the date of receipt. This deadline may be extended by any additional two months if the case is particularly complex, or if we are experiencing a high number of requests. In the event of non-compliance with the request, you will be able to file a complaint with the Supervisory Authority (Privacy Guarantor) under Art. 77, and to file a judicial appeal under Art. 79.

#Do I have other options?
You can always contact the Data Protection Authority here:
Complaint template - Privacy Guarantor (https://www.garanteprivacy.it/home/docweb/-/docweb-display/docweb/4535524)
*** icons are used under license CC BY 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/deed.it) and made by www.osservatorio679.org